Friday, October 1, 2010

hi po..:)) ano pong gagawin mo kapag ung ex mo gustong makipag balikan sayo pero may bgo ka nag bf?? ty po .

aahh wag ka munang makipagbalikan. kse ndi ka nman makikipag break at di magkakaroon ng bago kung mahal mo pa ung ex mo diba ?. pero kapag di nagwork out yung relationship nio ng new e makipagbalikan ka na kung mahal mo pa siaa.

just ask !

Masaya kaba sa buhay mo?

oo naman

just ask !

one thing everyone must regret?

wrong desicion

just ask !

Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday, July 9, 2010

wew :3 issue ! .>.<.

hmmmmmnn.... issue #1 sbe ng clsm8 ko bkit daw ayaw kong mgdrawing ng my kopyahan.,. sbe ko naman pg my kopyahan ako ngiging limited lng ung imagination kse nandun ka lag sa kokopyahan mo eh :D wala ka ng pwedeng ilagay na interesting.,. issue#2 sbe nung clsm8 qng lalake pinagbigyan q lng daw c mitch (my bff) nung 1st yr kme kya daw sia nging top 1 .,. wew :3 ngulat nga ako e .,. kse di nma ako gnung tao .,. wala un sa personality ko na mgbigay lalo a sa top keber keber na yan.,. tamad lang tlga ako nug 1st yr kme .,. pro ngaun ndi na.,.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

wew~ :3 june 29 2010

b-day ko na bukas !inauguration bukas kaya walang pasok ! yehey ! hahahahhaha xDDDD pero ang dame nameng assignment amp..haha :DD

Monday, June 14, 2010


1st day ko ngaun bilang sophomore .. mejo kaboring din kse 6 ang kme >.< mrs juvilyn celestra name ng adviser nmen tas my new classm8s.. haiiiiiii... nakakailang ... >.< di ko alam kng saan at kng bkit ?! haiiiiiiiiiiii ....T.T

Friday, June 11, 2010


pasukan na sa 15 at 2nd na ko ngaung scool yr na to 6 na lang kme ngaun dte 15 kme ang ntira na lang ay ako , si mitch , si queenzie , c kylle at c joseph may bgo kmeng classm8 jefferson santos aw ang name e akoyta pinakahuling ngenroll sa 2nd yr e ka alam ko na 6 lang kme hahahaaaahhhaha ska nanood ako nung olympus guardian pra maliwanagan ako dun sa mga nabasa ko dti p tungkol sa greek mythology narealize ko na masarap ang matuto sa enjoy na paraan :)) ska my tumblr na nga pla ako ska formspring well inaasaan kong masaya ang school yr na to haaahahahah

Sunday, May 16, 2010

moon to venus eclipse :))

In Shia Islam the Occultation is a term used to designate the hidden state of the Imam of the Time. See also occult (disambiguation). In this July, 1997 still frame captured from video, the bright star Aldebaran has just reappeared on the dark limb of the waning crescent moon in this predawn occultation. An occultation is an event that occurs when one object is hidden by another object that passes between it and the observer. The word is used in astronomy (see below) and can also be used in a general (non-astronomical) sense to describe when an object in the foreground occults (covers up) objects in the background. In the general sense, occultation applies to the visual scene from low-flying aircraft and in Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI) technology, where foreground objects obscure distant ones in a dynamic way as the scene changes. Astronomical events which cause occultation include transits and eclipses. The word transit refers to cases where the nearer object appears smaller in apparent size than the more distant object, such as transit of Mercury or Venus across the Sun's disk. The word eclipse generally refers to those instances in which one object moves into the shadow of another. Each of these three events is the visible effect of a syzygy. Occultations and eclipses Every time an occultation occurs, an eclipse also occurs. Consider a so-called "eclipse" of the Sun by the Moon, as seen from Earth. In this event, the Moon physically moves between Earth and the Sun, thus blocking out a portion or all of the bright disk of the Sun. Although this phenomenon is usually referred to as an "eclipse", this term is a misnomer, because the Moon is not eclipsing the Sun; instead the Moon is occulting the Sun. When the Moon occults the Sun, it casts a small shadow on the surface of the Earth, and therefore the Moon's shadow is partially eclipsing Earth. So a so-called "solar eclipse" actually consists of (i) an occultation of the Sun by the Moon, as seen from Earth, and (ii) a "lunar" eclipse of Earth by the Moon's shadow. By contrast, an "eclipse" of the Moon is in fact a true eclipse: the Moon moves into the shadow cast back into space by Earth, and is said to be eclipsed by Earth's shadow. As seen from the surface of the Moon, Earth passes directly between the Moon and the Sun, thus blocking or occulting the Sun as seen by a hypothetical lunar observer. Again, every eclipse also entails an occultation. Occultations by the Moon * About this file * Download file Use player: * Native browser support (selected) * Cortado (Java) * QuickTime * Still image only Close More… Occultation of a star by the Moon The term occultation is most frequently used to describe those relatively frequent occasions when the Moon passes in front of a star during the course of its orbital motion around the Earth. Since the Moon, with an angular speed with respect to the stars of 0.55 arcsec/s or 2.7 µrad/s, has no atmosphere and stars have an angular diameter of at most 0.057 arcseconds or 0.28 µrad, a star that is occulted by the moon will disappear or reappear in 0.1 seconds or less on the moon's edge, or limb. Events that take place on the Moon's dark limb are of particular interest to observers, because the lack of glare allows these occultations to more easily be observed and timed. The Moon's orbit is inclined to the ecliptic (see orbit of the Moon), and any stars with an ecliptic latitude of less than about 6.5 degrees may be occulted by it. There are three first magnitude stars that are sufficiently close to the ecliptic that they may be occulted by the Moon and by planets -- Regulus, Spica and Antares. Occultations of Aldebaran are presently only possible by the Moon, because the planets pass Aldebaran to the north. Neither planetary nor lunar occultations of Pollux are currently possible. However, in the far future, occultations of Aldebaran and Pollux will be possible, as they were in the far past. Some deep-sky objects, such as the Pleiades, can also be occulted by the moon. Jupiter (the bright object in the upper right) a few minutes before being occulted by the Moon on June 7, 2005 Within a few kilometres of the edge of an occultation's predicted path, referred to as its northern or southern limit, an observer may see the star intermittently disappearing and reappearing as the irregular limb of the Moon moves past the star, creating what is known as a Grazing lunar occultation. From an observational and scientific standpoint, these "grazes" are the most dynamic and interesting of lunar occultations. The accurate timing of lunar occultations is performed regularly by (primarily amateur) astronomers. Lunar occultations timed to an accuracy of a few tenths of a second have various scientific uses, particularly in refining our knowledge of lunar topography. Photoelectric analysis of lunar occultations have also discovered some stars to be very close visual or spectroscopic binaries. Early radio astronomers found occultations of radio sources by the Moon valuable for determining their exact positions, because the long wavelength of radio waves limited the resolution available through direct observation. Several times during the year, someone on Earth can usually observe the Moon occulting a planet. Since planets, unlike stars, have significant angular sizes, lunar occultations of planets will create a narrow zone on earth from which a partial occultation of the planet will occur. An observer located within that narrow zone could observe the planet's disk partly blocked by the slowly moving moon. Occultation by planets Stars may also be occulted by planets. In 1959, Venus occulted Regulus. Uranus' rings were first discovered when that planet occulted a star in 1977. On the evening of July 2-July 3, 1989, Saturn passed in front of the 5th magnitude star 28 Sagittarii. Pluto, which was re-designated as a "dwarf planet" in 2006, occulted stars in 1988, 2002, and 2006, allowing its tenuous atmosphere to be studied. It is also possible for one planet to occult another planet. However, these mutual occultations of planets are extremely rare. The last such event occurred on January 3, 1818 and will next occur on November 22, 2065, in both cases involving the same two planets—Venus and Jupiter. Technically speaking, when the foreground planet is smaller in apparent size than the background planet, the event should be called a "mutual planetary transit." When the foreground planet is larger in apparent size than the background planet, the event should be called a "mutual planetary occultation." (See Transit for a list of past and future events). A grazing occultation of Rhea, a moon of Saturn, by another moon, Dione Twice during the orbital cycles of Jupiter and Saturn, the equatorial (and satellite) planes of those planets are aligned with earth's orbital plane, resulting in a series of mutual occultations and eclipses between the moons of these giant planets. These orbital alignments have also occurred artificially when unmanned spacecraft have traversed these planetary systems, resulting in photographs such as the one shown here. The terms "eclipse," "occultation" and "transit" are also used to describe these events. A satellite of Jupiter (for example) may be eclipsed (i.e. made dimmer because it moves into Jupiter's shadow), occulted (i.e. hidden from view because Jupiter lies on our line of sight), or may transit (i.e. pass in front of) Jupiter's disk. Occultations by asteroids An asteroid occultation occurs when an asteroid passes in front of a star (occults a star), temporarily blocking its light (as seen from Earth).[1] Several events occur nearly every day over the world. From any particular place such events occur almost every night, although most require a telescope to see.[2] Asteroid occultations are useful for measuring the size and position of asteroids much more precisely than can be done by any other means. A cross-sectional profile of the shape of an asteroid can even be determined if a number of observers at different, nearby, locations observe the occultation. For example, on March 12, 2009 there were 8 minor planet occulations, including (85) Io, (247) Eukrate, (1585) Union, (201) Penelope, (70) Panopaea, (980) Anacostia, (2448) Sholokhov, (1746) Brouwer, and (191) Kolga. Any one of these would be expected to occult at a time and place on the globe, at a certain magnitude, and with a certain star.[2] For example, according to the 1998 European Asteroidal Occultation Results from Euraster, 39 Laetitia was observed on by over 38 observatories in one occulation on 1998/03/21, which resulted many chords being determined.[3] Double occultations It is possible that the moon or another celestial body can occult multiple celestial bodies at the same time. Such events are extremely rare and can be seen only from a small part of the world. The last event of such type was on April 23, 1998 when the moon occulted Venus and Jupiter simultaneously for observers on Ascension Island. Occultations and transits between 1800 and 2100 This table lists occultations and transits of bright stars and planets by solar planets. Day Time (UT) Foreground planet Background object Elongation December 9, 1802 07:36 Mercury Acrab 16,2° West December 9, 1808 20:34 Mercury Saturn 20,3° West December 22, 1810 06:32 Venus Xi-2 Sagittarii 11,1° East January 3, 1818 21:52 Venus Jupiter 16,5° West July 11, 1825 09:10 Venus Delta-1 Tauri 44,4° West July 11, 1837 12:50 Mercury Eta Geminorum 17,8° West May 9, 1841 19:35 Venus 17 Tauri 9,2° East September 27, 1843 18:00 Venus Eta Virginis 3,2° West December 16, 1850 11:28 Mercury Lambda Sagittarii 10,2° East May 22, 1855 05:04 Venus Epsilon Geminorum 37,4° East June 30, 1857 00:25 Saturn Delta Geminorum 8,4° East December 5, 1865 14:20 Mercury Lambda Sagittarii 21,0° East February 28, 1876 05:13 Jupiter Acrab 97,6° West June 7, 1881 20:54 Mercury Epsilon Geminorum 21,2° East December 9, 1906 17:40 Venus Acrab 14,9° West July 27, 1910 02:53 Venus Eta Geminorum 31,0° West December 16, 1937 18:38 Mercury Omicron Sagittarii 11,6° East June 10, 1940 02:21 Mercury Epsilon Geminorum 20,1° East October 25, 1947 01:45 Venus Zuben-el-genubi 13,5° East July 7, 1959 14:30 Venus Regulus 44,5° East September 27, 1965 15:30 Mercury Eta Virginis 2.6° West May 13, 1971 20:00 Jupiter Beta Scorpii (both components) 169,5° West April 8, 1976 01:00 Mars Epsilon Geminorum 81,3° East November 17, 1981 14:27 Venus Nunki 47,0° East November 19, 1984 01:32 Venus Lambda Sagittarii 39,2° East December 4, 2015 16.14 Mercury Theta Ophiuchi 9,6° East February 17, 2035 15:19 Venus Pi Sagittarii 42,1° West October 1, 2044 22:00 Venus Regulus 38,9° West February 23, 2046 19:24 Venus Rho-1 Sagittarii 45,4° West November 10, 2052 07:20 Mercury Zuben-el-genubi 2,8° West November 22, 2065 12:45 Venus Jupiter 7,9° West July 15, 2067 11:56 Mercury Neptune 18,4° West August 10, 2069 20.25 Venus Zavijava 38,4° East October 3, 2078 22:00 Mars Theta Ophiuchi 71,4° East August 11, 2079 01:30 Mercury Mars 11,3° West October 27, 2088 13:43 Mercury Jupiter 4,7° West April 7, 2094 10:48 Mercury Jupiter 1,8° West These events are not visible everywhere the occulting body and the occulted body are above the skyline. Some events are barely visible, because they take place in close proximity to the Sun. Mutual planetary transits and occultations In rare cases, one planet can transit in front of another. The next time this will happen (as seen from Earth) will be on November 22, 2065 at about 12:43 UTC, when Venus near superior conjunction (with an angular diameter of 10.6") will transit in front of Jupiter (with an angular diameter of 30.9"); however, this will take place only 8° west of the Sun, and will therefore not be visible to the unaided/unprotected eye. When the nearer object has a larger angular diameter than the farther object, thus covering it completely, the event is not a transit but an occultation. Before transiting Jupiter, Venus will occult Jupiter's moon Ganymede at around 11:24 UTC as seen from some southernmost parts of Earth. Parallax will cause actual observed times to vary by a few minutes, depending on the precise location of the observer. There are only 18 mutual planetary transits and occultations as seen from Earth between 1700 and 2200. Note the long break of events between 1818 and 2065. * 19 September 1702 - Jupiter occults Neptune * 20 July 1705 - Mercury transits Jupiter * 14 July 1708 - Mercury occults Uranus A simulation of Venus transiting Jupiter, as it did on January 3, 1818. * 4 October 1708 - Mercury transits Jupiter * 28 May 1737 - Venus occults Mercury * 29 August 1771 - Venus transits Saturn * 21 July 1793 - Mercury occults Uranus * 9 December 1808 - Mercury transits Saturn * 3 January 1818 - Venus transits Jupiter * 22 November 2065 - Venus transits Jupiter * 15 July 2067 - Mercury occults Neptune * 11 August 2079 - Mercury occults Mars * 27 October 2088 - Mercury transits Jupiter * 7 April 2094 - Mercury transits Jupiter * 21 August 2104 - Venus occults Neptune * 14 September 2123 - Venus transits Jupiter * 29 July 2126 - Mercury occults Mars * 3 December 2133 - Venus occults Mercury The 1737 event was observed by John Bevis at Greenwich Observatory - it is the only detailed account of a mutual planetary occultation. A transit of Mars across Jupiter on 12 Sep 1170 was observed by the monk Gervase at Canterbury, and by Chinese astronomers. In addition, an occultation of Mars by Venus was observed by M. Möstlin at Heidelberg on October 3, 1590.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

march 28 2010..swimming in VILLA LORENZA..

nagswimming kme..d nga aq nagpaalam eeh..7 feet ung pool pero kya q nman kc marunong aqng lumangoy...pra nga aqng adik eeh..namumula kc ung eyes q..di aq mxadong nagenjoy nung una ...nung huli lng..nung tatlo lng kme sa 4 feet mas mganda dun kc kaunti lng ska saka d ka matatakot..c jelyn natuto na rin sa wakas ...c mitch mejo lng...harhar..di nakakexcite pero okei lng un sken kc last na un ngaung freshman pa q kc next june mag tethirteen na q tas magiging sophomore n q...bket kya pagmay mangyayare lgi qng napapanaginipan???ewan bxta..kla q nga sa loreland...ang ganda pa nman dun..nkapagswimming na q dun dti eeh..dpat pla cnama q ung bespren q ...kya lng bc yata un..sna nga matanggal ko na ung pagka stubborn ,selfish,short temperedat ung kagustuhan qng maging magisa lng plage...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


citation nmin nge0n...nakakuha aq ng 2nd honor, best in english at sport awardee..hay naku...bkasyon na....eto na ang boring n mga araw q....

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

awful but fun!!!

naggeneral cleaning kme ngaun... mlpit n kc bkasyon eeh...nkakaboring nga s bhay eeh....pagkatpos nun punta kme ng clsm8s q s 7-11 di ng nkasama ung dlawa eeh...bumili kme ng gulp....tapos bumlik n kme s school...tawanan nga kme eeh...pnu kc ung isang teacher nagkukulitan kme...."di lng exaguratared!! sobra!!"nagksbay p kmeng mgsalita...tapos nman ung isa sbe ko sia ung miss tora dora....pnu kc sbe un nung isa inulit ko lng...kya ako ung npagtripan...tawanan nga kme eeh...sbe naman nung isa magopen daw aq ngaun magaway daw kme s fb..sbe ko"cge magoopen aq(lgi nman aqng open eeh..)"tapos no umuwi n q konti lng ung npanood q s practice ng graduating pnu tinatamad n kme eeh...

Friday, March 19, 2010

i'm missing you lyrics

I miss your love, since you've been gone I find it hard to go on The summer sky don't even think I thought I'd always be strong I got a feeling inside And it's making my heart cry, cause I'm missing you And it's making me blue, yeah I'm missing you what can I do A Thousand miles away, from you So here I am, and everything's new I should be happy in love But all I know, I look deep in my eyes I've never felt so alone And this feeling inside It's making my heart cry, cause I'm missing you And it's making me blue, yeah I'm missing you But what can I do Thousand miles away, from you So what's the meaning of this To be living like this It ain't no fun at all I wonder where are you now (I wonder where are you now) I miss your love since you been gone I find it hard to go on And this feeling inside I just break down and cry (cause)I'm missing you And it's making me blue, yeah I'm missing you But what can I do Thousand miles away, from you

lyrics for yamato nadeshiko 2nd ending can changing ∞ you are only one. can changing ∞ you can do it, now! Kimagurena atatakai te ga shinzou ni yokunai Ukkari oborechaisou da yo kimi no hitomi ni Mabushisugite mirenai chijou no taiyou Shirijiri watashi o kaeteku kore wa koi no inryoku desu ka? Daitan ni DAIBU shite kami o agete mada mita koto nai sekai Itsu no soba ni kimi no egao konna ni shinjiteru Kikkake wa koi demo in ja nai IT'S ALL RIGHT! Oitsukitai yo itsuka Kimi no hikari o oikaze ni shite can changing ∞ you are only one. can changing ∞ you can do it, now! Hito koishii kaze ga fuku sonna yoru ni wa Kimi ga soba ni ite hoshii tame iki no PAREEDO Yume o akiramerufuri umaku natteta Shiwajiwa negai ni hi ga tsuku kore wa kimi no inryoku desu ka? Gouin ni DAIBU shite ii ko yamete mada mita koto nai watashi Itsu no ma ni kimi no EERU konna ni matte iru Hitori ja koeranai soredemo IT'S ALL RIGHT! Kimi ga kanashii toki wa "Watashi ga iru yo" itsuka so iitai Daitan ni DAIBU shite kami o agete mada mita koto nai sekai Itsu no soba ni kimi no egao konna ni shinjiteru Kikkake wa koi demo in ja nai IT'S ALL RIGHT! Ii jibun ni nareta toki Zenshin de "Suki" o futsukete mitai! can changing ∞ you are only one. can changing ∞ you can do it, now!

my new school life.....

haiiizzzzzzzztttttttt... malapit na kong maging sophomore galing sa pagiging freshman nakakamiss yung mga oras na nagtatawanan kami lalo na yung mga sarap ng pakiramdam dahil walang pasok....tuwing may mga songs aqong naririnig kagaya nung farewell to you my friend i cant help thinking to myself na hindi ganun kadali ang buhay kagaya ng mga anime...ang gumawa ng anime ang siyang nagdedesisyon kung anong mangyayari sa bawat character..tayo hindi natin alam kung ano ang mangyayari sa atin kahit na gaano kahirap ang mga likod nun ay may sinple at masarap na buhay kasama ang mga mahal natin...sana kaya nating kontrolin ang mga sarisarili nating buhay para malaman natin ang mga dapat nating gawin...hayyyyy naku ang lalim nun huh!..well sa simple life qo ang lagi qo nalang ginagawa magaral manood ng anime magsurf sa net makipagchat...buti nalang di aqo naging emo na basta-basta kahit anong oras na bigla-biglang tatabi sa isang sulok at mageemote..narealize qo na auq ng ganon na nabubuhay ka sa sakit at problema..kaya eto aq ngaun nag aaral ng mabuti kahit minsan tulog sa klase e nakakaperpect parin sa recitation kahit di gaanong nakapagreview...dahil dito sa computer qo eh di na aq masyadong nakakapanood ng mga anime..pero kahit nakaupo lang aqo at walang ginagawa sa bahay e pumapasok naman aq kahit na mejo adik aq sa computer...sana palagi nalang aqong masaya.......